Monday, June 1, 2015

What is "White Henna"?

"White henna" looks like an exciting option for darker skin tones as well as for Western-style brides who don't want traditional red henna. 

But, what exactly is white henna?

First, let's talk about what it is not.

"White" Henna vs. True Henna

Henna, first and foremost, is a plant: lawsonia inermis. The leaf of the henna plant contains a natural red dye that stains hair, fingernails and skin. Henna is also a paste made from powdered henna leaf used to stain (dye) the body.

So "white henna" is not true henna in the sense that true henna comes in only one color: red.

"Henna" also can refer to the art of applying henna, including the motifs and patterns used in traditional henna designs: paisleys, flowers, swirls, vines, etc. 

So, it's accurate to say that you can do henna-like designs in virtually any color.

By the way ... there is no such thing as a "white stain"; white color is achieved by removing color, not adding it; in other words, bleaching. 
There are better ways to get white designs. Read on!

White Henna Done Safely

Cosmetic or prosthetic adhesive: 
This is a white adhesive used to attach prosthetic devices to the skin for health or theatrical reasons. (Think of a fake nose for Cyrano de Bergerac.) The adhesive can be piped onto the skin like henna paste and will stick to the skin for up to a week. It looks 3D, like puff-paint. It can be peeled or scrubbed off and is safe for everyone who doesn't have an allergy to Band-Aids. 

Adhesive with cosmetic glitter or powder: 
For extra glam, cosmetic glitter, powder or both can be sprinkled onto the adhesive before it's fully dry. This looks spectacular!

Water-based gel: 
These gels have a consistency like aloe vera gel and contain cosmetic pigment and/or glitter. They pipe on and can be easily washed off. Great for kids.

Theatrical or airbrush tattoo paint: 
Available in matte and metallic/pearlescent formulas, the same paint used for airbrush tattoos can be painted on with a brush. These paints can last up to a week with proper care and are removable with rubbing alcohol.

Plain ol' cosmetics: 
White eye pencil could be used to create henna-like motifs, especially on sensitive areas such as around the eyes.

What Should NOT Be Used for "White Henna"

-Chlorine bleach, hair bleach, skin bleaching product or any other product that is a chemical bleach (color remover). DON'T DO IT.

-Acrylic paint, tempera paint or any other paint from the craft store that is meant for painting canvases or houses, not people.

-Nail polish.

-Any other product not approved for use on human skin.

If you are interested in safe, temporary henna-like designs in white or any other color, be sure to ask your artist about which products she uses. 
And if you try this at home, stick to the safe techniques I outlined above. 
And as always, have fun!

Source :

Samples of White Henna Application

Click on picture to enlarge it.

White Henna Tutorial By Free Hand Mehndi



How to make White Henna with only 2 ingredients  By Abeerie
To see the video , go to : 

Ingredients :
-White body paint 
-Prosaide cream adhesive

How to make :

-Mix well 2 part of Prosaide cream adhesive with 1 White body paint in a abowl.

-Insert the paste into empty cone, seal the cone with tape.

-Ready to use.

Tips :
After make design on skin, wait for 15 minutes, then pour some corn starch over the design, and brush the excess. Your design is ready.
